Thursday, November 10, 2011

Chritsa - Find Your Summer Body Week 5

There must have been something in the air in week five as reading Cathy’s blog sounds too familiar.  The whole week I felt really tired and while my lil one adjusted to my routine during the day, he decided to become devils child during the night.

On top of it all I had a mini breakdown about my thighs. Whilst I see minor but steady improvement to my whole body, mentally as well as physically, I start to wonder if the cottage cheese legs will ever get in shape again. And why is it that husbands think saying "Don’t worry honey, I love you no matter what you look like" is actually helping?!?

However, it’s a new week and I decided to get over myself.

In terms of my diet I honestly think that I am eating healthy and am enjoying my salad. If I have salad as a main I make sure I add meat as otherwise I feel like I am missing out on something. (It is hard enough to cut out bread as much as possible…) Normally I have chicken or lamb strips on the barbie mixed with green leaf salad, tomatoes, red onion, pumpkin seeds and whatever veggies I find in the fridge. I also tried Jen’s hummus recipe and it’s really quick and easy.  I swapped the beetroot for red capsicums and this works well too.

I am really looking forward seeing Nutritionist Marieke Rodenstein for an educational nutrition session and hope this will reveal any other ways that I could improve my diet. I would love the kilos to drop off that little bit faster.

I have realised I don't drink enough. Sometimes at the end of the day I recall my water consumption and realise that other than the water during the training I only had coffee…I even buy bottled water when I am out only to find it still sealed in my bag hours later. I know, I know this has to change straight away.

As I absolutely want to keep doing what I am doing in terms of exercise I am now planning my training  post-challenge. Even though it is sometimes quite hard to get organised and leave the house in time, I really look forward to each session. Not to mention seeing all the other mums which are not just training partners anymore, but more and more becoming friends with the same goals.

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a2zbaby said...
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