Friday, November 12, 2010

Feel Good Friday - product review 'Organic Bubs'

So I am one of those anal mums who never (very rarely) feeds their child anything that I haven't personally made.  I am not super woman and I often don't find time in my day to cook a fresh meal every evening but I do have a well stocked freezer full of nutritious and healthy meals that I have either made myself or my wonderful domesticated husband has made for Marley.  I would love to be one of those mums that finds time to cook a new and wonderful evening meal every day but I very much doubt it is going to happen anytime soon.

I became in touch with Organic Bubs and their new range of baby food products which they offered to send a selection from their menu of easily taken anywhere, fully organic baby food so I thought I'd check it out and tell you all what I thought.  I also enlisted the help of a few of the mums (and bubs - in fact more the bubs) and held an Organic Bubs picnic to do a little taste test for me as my two children are slightly outside of the age range for this product.

I did however come up with a few convenient uses for the organic bubs meals and snacks for Marley.  I like the fact that they are totally organic and that they have no nasties, sugar or anything bad added - this is a topic that is close to my heart especially when it comes to children as they trust is to nourish them and feed them good stuff.  We need to teach them good habits from the start and how to make good educated choices on the foods that we eat and is available to them at any one time.

I am also excited about having found an easily accessible food product that I would be comfortable to give to Marley in certain situations.  He is growing up and becoming more and more aware of food around him both good and bad - we can only shelter our little pure (not corrupted with sugar) soul for so long.  Summer time brings hot weather and I know I love enjoying and cold icy block on a hot summers day - downside is most of these ice blocks are little sugar sticks that I would rather not give to my son.  Instead I threw a yummy Mango, Peach and Banana puree into the freezer as Marley's  little treat.

The savory Organic Bubs products look appealing  especially as the quantity of juice in these ones is considerably less than some others on the market and they have interesting recipes like 'sweetcorn, pumpkin & chia', 'super vegetable rice congee' and 'banana and apricot power porridge'.  As India gets older I will cook for her as I do for Marley but it is great to know that there is a brand of baby food that I can find in my local shop or supermarket that if I find myself in need I can grab a good quality meal on the run.  And I will definitely be getting a few of the fruit variety to pop in the freezer to get us through the summer ahead.

Here are some comments from the mums of our little tasters

"Zara loved them.  I am not a fan of packaged baby food as it is easy to make it yourself but since they are all natural and organic I would definitely buy them.  Zara thinks they are great."
Alison Phllips & Zara

"It's great to have a healthy baby food on the go....or for those moments when there's no time or energy left to cook.  My only tip: don;t let your baby take charge of the feeding and squeezing!"
Elizabeth Lopez-Lightfoot & Alex

"My twin girls had their little mouths open eagerly awaiting more.  I also tasted them and the flavors were really good - you could taste how wholesome they were."
                                                      Suzanne Toogood & Chole & Saskia

To go into the draw to win 1 of 3 cool bags full of yummy Organic Bubs pouches just head to the organic bubs website, check out their flavors and post below which one you think your little bub would like to try

All entrants must 'like' both the Body Beyond Baby and Organic Bubs face book pages

Winner will be announced on Thursday 18th of November on the Body Beyond Baby facebook page and blog - Good luck!

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Anonymous said...

Pear and white grape - Yummo!

Bec Cal Callaghan said...

I always like to have ready to go meals for my little boy on hand. We live 50ks from the nearest shops so it pays to be prepared! I haven't seen this brand at the shops so will look out for it and give it a try =)

Unknown said...

Apple and berry bircher muesli, especially as it's dairy free so it won't upset her tummy

Unknown said...

my little bubba lubs will tonight be trying the Raspberry, Apple & Rosehip. Also, for my 3yo I am going to squeeze some of the fruit pouches into small ice block holders or mix with some organic yoghurt and freeze for cool treats on hot days!

Glow said...

My little man loves anything with banana so I'd have to choose Banana & Apricot Power Porridge!

(Liked on FB with my private account)

Jacqui said...

I love the sound of blueberry, banana and quinoa! They have a delicious range.

Jeremy said...

apple berry bircher muesli as my little boy is lactose intolerant and we have been struggling to find a good that is lactose free that he likes

Jhoa said...

My daughter crawled her way into mummies bag and pulled out a brand new Apple and Cinnamon snack pouch. I wondered why she went quiet for a couple of minutes until I found her sitting up right trying to suck the closed package. I opened it for her and she devoured it! I now know her new favourite flavour.

Anonymous said...

ooh my boys would definitely love Blueberry, Banana & Quinoa. Delicious and Quinoa is great for my eldest son who has coeliacs disease.

Unknown said...

Well bubba lubs AKA Jasmin absolutely devoured the Raspberry, Apple & Rosehip tonight. Another tick for Organic Bubs.

Biz L said...

Mango, Peach & Banana....although they all look good.

Kristylee said...

Mmmmm, I think my baby girl would like to try the Blueberry, Banana & Quinoa.
It sounds yummy, interesting and refreshing for a hot day!

Unknown said...

Blueberry, Banana & Quinoa which is high in antioxidants

LisaNReynolds said...

Super Vegetable Rice Congee - you can never have too much help when feeding kids vegies! This sounds scrumptious :-)

Katie180 said...

The mango , peach and banana sounds so good. Although my son likes sucking away on the real thing this flavour would be perfect to mix in with some natural yogurt. Can't wait to try it.

Cepat said...

Raspberry, Apple & Rosehip for sure! Rhys has just completely emptied the pouch in under 3 minutes, new favourite for sure. Now I've just got to go and stock up from the Organic Bubs website as Coles just don't seem to stock enough at the moment...

Unknown said...

Raspberry, Apple & Rosehip is my daughters fave. Make sure you buy them from Coles or Wollies rather than in health food shops they are cheaper (or in bulk for the website as my coles keeps running out!)

Bec Cal Callaghan said...

I found these at my local Coles and have bought some to try with my little boy. Breakfast times are generally a nightmare so il be trying the Bircher muesli!

Clare Campbell said...

The Bircher muesli is a definite for my little one. I've been making my own for a while but it's always good to have an emergency ration on hand, especially when traveling!

Unknown said...

My son loves his apple and berry bircher muesli but would also love to try pumpkin, apricot and fig!

Candice said...

I "like" both pages on FB.
I think my little man would love to try the Blueberry, Banana & Quinoa.

almag said...

My little lady has a sweet tooth already so we haven't strayed much off the fruit path as yet. Now that she is 6 months old I can't wait to try the Pumpkin, Kumera and cous cous pouch. I think it is going to be a hit!

Unknown said...

My little man has a gluten intolerance so I’d love to try their gluten-free Power Porridge and Bircher Muesli

Unknown said...

Blueberry Banana & Quinoa

mummy princess said...

Apple & Berry Bircher Muesli sounds like a fantastic breakfast.... But she'll have competition I think - it sounds SO yummy.

Unknown said...

Hmmm can’t decide between the raspberry, apple & rosehip or the mango, peach & banana…?

Anonymous said...

My bub luves Organic Bubs pumpkin apricot and fig.

K said...

I think my daughter would eat the Apple & Berry Bircher Muesli but my daughter is so hard to feed I would be absolutely exstatic if she had a mouthful of anything you make, most days I have to keep saying to myself she will like something soon..... when will that day come I have been waiting for almost a year now! I think you have fantastic products glad to see so many bubs and toddlers love them, maybe my little fuss pot will too if I get lucky enough to try them.

K said...

sorry got carried away meant to say that I am a fan of both pages - Kym Teale

mjelly said...

Apricot, carrot & fig - it's the only way she will get to try fig in this house!

mamamia said...

Raspberry, apple and rosehip would have to be a certain winner here!

The other flavours look great too. Thanks for the review :)

AmandaA said...

My little man Jet LOVES bananas, so he would love to try Mango, Peach & Banana ... and I would too! :)

Alison P said...

banana and apricot power porridge, as Zara loves bananas but i can never seem to keep a stock of fresh ones.

Unknown said...

Excellent post! More valuable than for me, I feel it is for my baby! There are research that found, that there is a connection between Formular provided children with additional sugar formula and obesity in the older years of these infants. That's why, I kept an eye onto it and used natural formulation without added sugar from I am glad more and more people start to keep an eye on healthy nutrition!

Unknown said...

very nice article and useful information. Keep sharing this kind of valuable blogs regularly. To hire Organic product supplier, organic wholesale distributors, organic vegetable suppliers, organic rice suppliers, organic sugar manufacturers contact us now. Organic pandit is the one stop destination to buy organic products. For further details click here

alijohn said...

thank you so much for sharing the information with us. It will really helpful for the instant baby food. For the best baby food you can visit my site here Best Organic Apple Puree for Babies