Friday, April 23, 2010

Baby, house and….marriage

The heading I used last week was ‘what a week’ and I feel like could use that every week, because as a lot of you know life with a small baby can be tiring. What would I do without my exercise to keep me sane, an hour to myself and the benefit of getting fit. Training twice a week is a challenge but as I said yesterday at the group, if only I could take back all of the bad food I ate during my pregnancy.

I am slowly modifying my diet and interestingly enough I have stopped craving sugar like I used to. The key to it all is being organised and making sure I have adequate food supplies as it’s when I am tired that I am more inclined to eat the wrong foods. Drinking plenty of water too is important as I worked out that a lot of the times I am actually dehydrated or tired, rather than hungry.

So what does the week ahead have in store for me? Well trying to fit in more exercise such a walks of a session at the gym. This is proving difficult as I am now starting to pack for our big move in June to our new home. I am going to try and exercise with Scott and the baby so that it is also time for us. And again, like I said last week I need to finalise my goals so it makes this journey more achievable with a purposeful outcome.

Once we move home I am also going to finally get wedding plans in order so I will have another huge milestone to work towards…..but I’ll save that for another day as the thought of a wedding makes me break out into a sweat

1 comment:

Jen Dugard said...

Hi Sharon - I am glad you are enjoying our blog. It is a great opportunity to come together and share our journeys at what can be a challenging but also very satisfying time.

We have a Face Book page!/pages/Sydney-Australia/Body-Beyond-Baby/317369497387?ref=ts if you would like to become a fan and stay up to date on what we are up to at Body Beyond Baby.

and please feel free to share your comments and experiences on either the blog or FB page in the future.

All the best
