Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Goals part two

Yesterday we talked about setting goals and today I thought I would share mine with you:

By 20th December 2010 - India will be 5 months old and I used this time frame in my first BBB journey after having Marley so I aspire to reaching the same goals as I did back then

I will be 22% Body Fat
I will be able to do 15 push-ups on my toes
I will be able to do 2 chin ups on my own
I will fit into my dark blue denim shorts with NO muffin top (I bought these shorts in Perth the December after having Marley)

By 23rd April 2011 - my 30th Birthday

I will be 20% Body Fat
I will be able to do 30 push-ups on my toes
I will be able to do 5 chin ups on my own

On 18th September 2011

I will run the Blackmores marathon for charity

Why do I want to achieve these goals?

I want to have a flat tummy again and I know the rest of my body has followed and I feel good about myself

I want to look great in a bikini 

I want people to be shocked that I have two children and to prove to other mums that you can look and feel great after having babies - it is not the end for your body

I want to feel and be strong again

I ran a half marathon the year after I had Marley - I know I can do it so I now want to push to the next level - the full

I want to give something back to our community and to a charity that I believe in so I will run the marathon to raise money

I FEEL good when I know I look good

I want to set a good example of eating well, exercising and living well to my children

Do remember that goals are tangible, they are not set in stone and you can move the goal posts if you are exceeding your expectations or you can set mini goals to achieve on the way to reaching your main goal..... Just remember to be true to yourself, find the reason for your goals and make a commitment to yourself to reach them.  Really commit even if its just for a certain period of time where everything you do is based around achieving that specific goal, you will be amazed at what you can achieve once you put your mind to it.

Please feel free to share your goals with us should you wish - becoming accountable and sharing what you aspire to is very powerful - it's how I ended up writing this blog in the first place!

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