Saturday, May 9, 2009

Great first week

Body Beyond Baby has enjoyed a great first week in our new winter location. Thank you to all my mums that have made our transition nice and smooth and welcome to those new mums who joined us for the first time last week - I always enjoy seeing a mum who has not only decided to begin exercising but to seeing her actually do it. There is often a big gap in these two steps - just because you decide to do something doesn't mean you will get around to doing it. I'm sure many of us can list off many things that we decided to do but for one reason or another haven't quite got around to doing them.

As for me - I am enjoying my own group training sessions this month, as part of the group rather than running it. My dad is here from the UK and has taken on any necessary early morning babysitting duties while I sneak quietly out of the house at 5.45am. I always was an early morning exerciser until Marley came along and having the opportunity to get back to that for a while is great.

I also cannot recommend training in a group, with a friend or one on one with a trainer enough - even for myself, someone who knows exactly what to do when I head to the park or the gym gains great benefit from varying workouts provided by Troy from Fittabodies and also from being able to push harder in a group situation. Its the end of my first week and I am a little sore but I feel fantastic! If your not doing it already what are you waiting for???

For an update on my current group sessions click here

And if you are an early riser and like the idea of joining Troy at 6am for his group sessions click here


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