Thursday, November 24, 2011

Cathy - Find Your Summer Body Week 6

I think I've finally got it, it's only taken 6 weeks of intense life changing effort but I am feeling fantastic!

I am so glad I found Jen and the group and took up this challenge.  I am feeling stronger, fitter and leaner and proud of myself.  For me, this challenge will be continuing on well beyond the 8 weeks but I feel that I have adopted some great new habits.  I can't believe I would ever feel like I WANTED to exercise but now if I miss a few days I feel agitated and need to get out.  Such a far cry from the past.

The beep tests have been really revealing. Hearing our scores now compared with when we all started it's so inspiring. I think we are all seeing some great results.

Getting into my cossie now I don't feel half as bad as I did before.  Taking Milla to swimming lessons isn't as excruciating as it was and I'm not so embarrassed when I run into old friends by pool. (Mind you, they still do the up and downs).  As I said there's still a distance to go but I am feeling much, much better.

As a thank you for writing these blogs, Jen kindly rewarded me with a consultation with the gorgeous Marieke who is a Nutritionist (I hope I got that right) and oozes good health.  What a wealth of knowledge she is!  The session blew my mind and flipped a few of my beliefs on their head.  For instance, she is an advocate for eating the skin on chicken, totally the opposite of what I had been taught.  Also eating far, far less grains but eating more animal products and fats and vegies and limiting fruits.  I will be making some more changes to my diet but overall I feel I'm on the right path.  It's simple, clean unprocessed food (organic ideally) in moderation and regular exercise.  There is no magic pill.

I can't believe we are almost at the end of the 8 weeks. There have been peaks and troughs and extended slumps and now I am ready to go out on a high. If I reach all of my goals then there will be no stopping me!

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