I am so excited - the challenge has come to an end and everyone has done SO well. We are doing all of our final fitness testing and measurements this week and I can't wait to announce our winners this Saturday evening at our end of challenge party. And I can't wait to see what everyone looks like out of their runners ll dressed up!
So..... I have been ticking away at my own little challenge in the background - it would have been hard not to with all the energy and motivation within our BBB sessions. First up I have decided to take a look back at the goals I set for myself 8 weeks ago:
Goal 1
I am going to achieve a VERY toned stomach - I want to have a bit of a V going on (not too much or masculine in anyway just that look).
I guess out of my three goals this one is the least measurable (and one I probably would have questioned if a client said this to me..... how lean? how toned? how will you know you have got there?) So, I am definitely 'getting' there - I can see muscles now and when we look at where I am at with Goal 3 we will start to see why. Photo's are happening on Friday so I promise to share as soon as I get them back.
Goal 2
I am going to be able to perform 8 unassisted strict chin ups
This morning I did three sets of 6 unassisted chin ups so I know I am definitely on track I just need to do my final testing to make sure I can get 8 in one go.....
Goal 3 (and the one I am most excited about)
I am going to reach 20% Body Fat
I have SMASHED this one out of the water - I knew my body had been changing and I have been dropping fat but how much I didnt know - the scales weren't giving away much. I went to Body Composition (now Measure Up) yesterday and here is the comparison to my last scan.
19th July 2011
Body Fat % = 21.7%
Total Body Weight = 54.8kg
Fat Mass = 11.9kg
Lean Body Mass = 40.5kg
29th November 2011
Body Fat % = 16.6%
Total Body Weight = 54.4kg
Fat Mass = 9kg
Lean Body Mass = 43kg
I have managed to get way below my goal of 20% Body Fat (with a loss of 5%) though if you look at my Total Body Weight it appears that I have lost only 400g so here is a really great example of why you absolutely can not rely on what the scales are telling you alone. You can see I have dropped 3kg of Body Fat and added 3kg of Lean Body Mass.
I have been doing Body Composition Scans since 2006 - those of you that have followed my blog will have seen my results following both pregnancies (the first being in 2008). What is cool about having this information is that I can really see where I have been and what my body has been doing over the last 5 years. I found these comparisons pretty cool:
5th December 2006
Body Fat % = 16.9%
Total Body Weight = 49.9kg
Fat Mass = 8.4kg
Lean Body Mass = 39.3kg
29th November 2011
Body Fat % = 16.6%
Total Body Weight = 54.4kg
Fat Mass = 9kg
Lean Body Mass = 43kg
Here you can see that in terms of Body Fat % I am back to where I was way before my wonderful little people entered my life BUT looking back I know that I didn't achieve this in the healthiest manner. I didn't eat a whole lot and you can see by my Total Body Weight that I was tiny and wasn't carrying much muscle at all. Looking back I never wanted to get back to that 'weight'. I guess this time I know I am healthy, I know I am strong and I have grown in regards to my own training and knowledge (and I'm not hungry).
I have to thank both Marley and India for putting me where I am today as a mum and as a fitness professional - without them I wouldn't be writing this and I possible wouldn;t have specialised in pre and postnatal exercise and I wouldn't be connecting with all of the wonderful women that I do on a daily basis. And I absolutely can't wait to continue to share my knowledge and passion for showing every single mum out there that it is possible to be a mum, be really strong, look great, feel fantastic and be a wonderful example to the children in their lives.
So..... I have been ticking away at my own little challenge in the background - it would have been hard not to with all the energy and motivation within our BBB sessions. First up I have decided to take a look back at the goals I set for myself 8 weeks ago:
Goal 1
I am going to achieve a VERY toned stomach - I want to have a bit of a V going on (not too much or masculine in anyway just that look).
I guess out of my three goals this one is the least measurable (and one I probably would have questioned if a client said this to me..... how lean? how toned? how will you know you have got there?) So, I am definitely 'getting' there - I can see muscles now and when we look at where I am at with Goal 3 we will start to see why. Photo's are happening on Friday so I promise to share as soon as I get them back.
Goal 2
I am going to be able to perform 8 unassisted strict chin ups
This morning I did three sets of 6 unassisted chin ups so I know I am definitely on track I just need to do my final testing to make sure I can get 8 in one go.....
Goal 3 (and the one I am most excited about)
I am going to reach 20% Body Fat
I have SMASHED this one out of the water - I knew my body had been changing and I have been dropping fat but how much I didnt know - the scales weren't giving away much. I went to Body Composition (now Measure Up) yesterday and here is the comparison to my last scan.
19th July 2011
Body Fat % = 21.7%
Total Body Weight = 54.8kg
Fat Mass = 11.9kg
Lean Body Mass = 40.5kg
29th November 2011
Body Fat % = 16.6%
Total Body Weight = 54.4kg
Fat Mass = 9kg
Lean Body Mass = 43kg
I have managed to get way below my goal of 20% Body Fat (with a loss of 5%) though if you look at my Total Body Weight it appears that I have lost only 400g so here is a really great example of why you absolutely can not rely on what the scales are telling you alone. You can see I have dropped 3kg of Body Fat and added 3kg of Lean Body Mass.
I have been doing Body Composition Scans since 2006 - those of you that have followed my blog will have seen my results following both pregnancies (the first being in 2008). What is cool about having this information is that I can really see where I have been and what my body has been doing over the last 5 years. I found these comparisons pretty cool:
5th December 2006
Body Fat % = 16.9%
Total Body Weight = 49.9kg
Fat Mass = 8.4kg
Lean Body Mass = 39.3kg
29th November 2011
Body Fat % = 16.6%
Total Body Weight = 54.4kg
Fat Mass = 9kg
Lean Body Mass = 43kg
Here you can see that in terms of Body Fat % I am back to where I was way before my wonderful little people entered my life BUT looking back I know that I didn't achieve this in the healthiest manner. I didn't eat a whole lot and you can see by my Total Body Weight that I was tiny and wasn't carrying much muscle at all. Looking back I never wanted to get back to that 'weight'. I guess this time I know I am healthy, I know I am strong and I have grown in regards to my own training and knowledge (and I'm not hungry).
I have to thank both Marley and India for putting me where I am today as a mum and as a fitness professional - without them I wouldn't be writing this and I possible wouldn;t have specialised in pre and postnatal exercise and I wouldn't be connecting with all of the wonderful women that I do on a daily basis. And I absolutely can't wait to continue to share my knowledge and passion for showing every single mum out there that it is possible to be a mum, be really strong, look great, feel fantastic and be a wonderful example to the children in their lives.